Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Short-Straw Bride by Karen Witemeyer

Karen Witemeyer may well be my favorite historical fiction author. Her books are so read and fun to read. Short-Straw Bride is her fourth novel and packs a punch stronger than I expected. Meredith Hayes runs to the forbidden Archer farm to warn the four reclusive brothers who live there of impending threats to their land. Before she knows it she finds herself to be married to the eldest, Travis, whom she's adored from afar for years. Through a series of events they begin to fall in love with each other and yearn for more.
The yearning in this novel, while between two married people, makes for some serious reading. It might be too much for an unmarried woman or for a young lady. I'd rate it as PG-13. Though there isn't any language involved, it's the way the scenes are written and the telling of the sexual desires. I've been married for a couple decades and this book made me feel things....(I'll leave it at that!)

The story is sweet and I enjoyed 99% of the book. The other 1% left me a little uncomfortable.

Watch the trailer for it

This book was provided for review by Bethany House.

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