Monday, October 1, 2012

Escaping the Cauldron by Kristine McGuire

Escaping the Cauldron by Kristine McGuire is subtitled exposing occult influences in everyday life, and while I found it to be interesting reading I was hoping for more. Kristine openly shares about her eight year involvement in which she called herself a "Christian witch" and how she found herself deceived. She stayed active in her church during this time and justified her actions, even using the Bible to do so. This book would be good reading for anyone who is more than a little interested in the paranormal. You know the kind of person. They can't pull themselves away from it and they claim that it won't affect their walk with the Lord. This book will prove to them that even a little bit of involvement in these activities is harmful and could potentially affect their eternity.

Kristine does a very good job of explaining the differences between gifts of the Spirit and the things the was doing as a witch, medium, and ghost hunter. She now knows where to draw the line and teaches others to do the same.

At the end of each chapter is a "digging deeper" section where she asks questions and gives Bible references to find the answers.

There's a section in the back of the book where she addresses questions about Twilight, Harry Potter, and more.

From the back cover:
An eight year journey through the occult and into freedom.
Though Kristine McGuire was raised in a Christian home, at an early age she became fascinated by the occult. At sleepovers she and her friends told fortunes and held seances.  As a teenager she was convicted and put all games of mysticism aside. She went to a Christian college and married a Christian man, but despite her decision to follow God, a longing for the occult persisted, leading her to leave her church and husband and fully embrace witchcraft.
Escaping the Cauldron takes you deep inside Kristine's eight year journey as a witch, medium, and ghost hunter. Part Bible study, part memoir, it exposes the subtle occult influences that affect us as it reveals how God mercifully delivered her out of the occult altogether and restored her faith and life in Christ.

This book was provided for review by Glass Road PR

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