Monday, November 17, 2014

The Plush Bible NIV by Zondervan

 Is this not the cutest Bible? The Plush Bible by Zondervan is soft and fuzzy, pink and glittery, and leopard print--all in one. My teenager said, "Mom, I don't want this, why did you get it for me?" I replied, "I didn't get it for you, it's for me." Seriously, I love this thing. It's geared towards younger teens, but I think it's perfect for this 45 year old. The NIV is a version that is easy to understand too. The print is of a good size and the Bible lays flat when you open it, it does have a hard cover beneath the bling. I recommend this to anyone who wants an updated fun Bible to carry.

This book was provided for review by BookLook

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