Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Trading Secrets by Melody Carlson

 Trading Secrets by Melody Carlson is not your average Amish fiction. If it was I wouldn't read it. This is teen fiction and it's the story of a girl named Micah who has been pen pals with an Amish guy named Zach, they've been writing to each other since the 5th grade and she's never disclosed that she was a girl. When the opportunity arises for her to travel to his farm to help with the planting she jumps on it, realizing that she'll have to come clean at some point.
This is a sweet story that deals with what happens when you live a lie, how it hurts people and how the truth is always better.
Very easy to read and, as I've come to expect from anything by Melody Carlson, engaging. It took me a little over an hour to read this book. I'd recommend it to any young reader. It's clean and interesting.
Here's the back cover:
This book was provided for review by Revell.

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