Saturday, July 2, 2016

Pure Delicious by Heather Christo

 Every so often I receive a cookbook that changes my life. Pure Delicious by Heather Christo is one such book. I haven't been this excited about cooking again for a long time. I tend to get in a rut and make the same meals over and over. This book has many new twists on some of my old favorites that I can't wait to get into rotation. 
But first: The book opens with over fifty pages full of health and nutrition advice for those with food allergies. This is gold. Very informative reading. The author not only wants to share recipes, but wants to help the reader life a better life. Then we get into the food. Broken down into ten sections, I have to admit the soup and chili chapter drew me in. From Greek lemon, chicken, and rice soup to the spicy Thai curry noodle soup (pictured below), I want to make them all. The salads are healthy and look amazing (see the crunchy taco salad with spiced ground turkey and cilantro-lime vinaigrette pictured below!) There are also baked goods, pasta, desserts, and more. So much yum in this book. I can't wait to get started.

This book provided for review by Blogging for Books

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