Friday, February 7, 2020

Collision of Lies by Tom Threadgill

Collision of Lies by Tom Threadgill is the first I've read of heard of this author. And oh my goodness this book! This will not be the last I read of his writings. I was captivated at the first page. The introduction of a myriad of characters was so well done that I never got confused as to who was who (even with nicknames thrown in). Well-written dialog kept my attention. This was a hard one to put down, but I didn't want it to end either because then I'd be left with a book-hangover. 

That let-down feeling of knowing the next book you choose will not be as good as this one. Sigh.

Honestly, there was nothing to dislike about this. Clean read with action and suspense. His main character was a woman and even then I had to keep looking at the front of the book to make sure it was written by a man because he did such a good job of getting into her head.

If you only read a few books a year, make sure this is one of them!

This book provided for review by Revell.

From the back cover:

Three years ago, a collision between a fast-moving freight train and a school bus full of kids led to devastation and grief on an unimaginable scale. But a fresh clue leads San Antonio police detective Amara Alvarez to the unlikely conclusion that one of the children may still be alive. If she's correct, everything law enforcement believes about the accident is a lie.

With time running out, Amara must convince others--and herself--that despite all evidence to the contrary, the boy lives. And she will do everything in her power to bring him home.

A fresh voice in suspense, Tom Threadgill will have you questioning everything as you fly through the pages of this enthralling story.

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