Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Beneath the Bending Skies by Jane Kirkpatrick


Beneath the Bending Skies, by Jane Kirkpatrick, is a stand-alone historical fiction novel based on the life of a pioneer woman in the mid-late 1800's. The blurb about the book made me think there would be much more tension than there was. This was written in first person, and while I am generally a fan of that style, it just didn't connect well for me in this book. I had a hard time being truly interested in this story as it read more like a journal/memoir than a novel. There was a lot of jumping around for the first few chapters and I thought it was just giving back story before settling into the main story, but it sort of continued throughout and the book was just a little odd to me. I have adored other books by this author and I like the way she pulls women from history and tells their stories, it just didn't work for me this time. I did love the way I could see Montana through her eyes though, and having visited that state a couple times it was fun to see Flathead Lake and other areas mentioned. The interactions with the Indians was interesting to read too. Their customs merging with ours. Fascinating. 

This book was a clean read and is suitable for all ages.

This book was provided for review by Revell. 

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